How to Continue?


If you want to reach somewhere, first of all, you need to step forward.

Second of all, you need to continue going farther. Otherwise, you will never get there, 100% guaranteed!


Without any move, you stay there forever.

It is simple – If you want to make a change, no matter what it is, you need to start and then keep going.












You may have tried jogging. When you start running, you are full of energy. You envision yourself reaching the park so many miles away, making the circuit of the town, etc.

But it’s not long before you start wondering if you can really make it. You are getting out of breath. Your legs feel heavier and heavier.

What if I get too tired to come back home? Is it really safe to me to keep going any longer?


You have a point. It is important to know when to stop. You should be aware of your limitation for sure.

On the other hand, quite often you can keep going more than you think.


A friend of mine shared the trick she uses with her children. They try to get to the next telephone pole when they are getting tired of jogging. Just one more telephone pole – this works very well for any age!


Generally speaking, a small, more realistic goal feels easier to reach than a large one. When we can see a realistic image, we feel more confidence to achieve it, which increases the chance to really get it.

Try to break a large, overwhelming goal into small pieces.

For instance, focus to:

  • Make 15 minutes a few times a day instead of “1 hour a day”
  • Drink one cup of a water when you get up, another before you have coffee or tea each time rather than “2L per day”It is more important to continue what you started than you achieve big only once.


Even though you can make only 1 set of 15-minutes today, you achieve 25% of your goal. Isn’t it a progress?

One at a time, and you are moving forward. Continue doing small things you can do.